Meet Our Newest Clients | December 2023

DEIDRE, 49, spent almost half of her life in prison. She earned a second chance 23 years later, when her sentence was commuted by the governor. Deidre is hoping to further her education in the near future.
When GEORGE was 17, he received a life without parole sentence. After 42 years in prison he was given his freedom. George is looking forward to sharing his experiences in prison as a precautionary tale.
CLEOPHA spent 32 years in prison. During those three decades he reinvented himself and earned his second chance. “I know I have to be a good example for the ones I left behind.”
After 54 years in prison, ROBERT was given his freedom. “I’ve changed so much since I first went to Angola. I’m a different man today,” he said. As a 10/6 lifer, Robert is a reminder that redemption is real.
JOSEPH spent 26 years in prison before his life sentence was commuted. Now that he's home, the 60-year-old said "I have a lot to catch up on, but I'm ready for this new stage of life."
After 23 years in prison, ELDRIDGE was given a second chance when his life sentence was commuted. With a positive outlook on his future, Eldridge is committed to starting a career and rebuilding his life.
After 41 years in prison, ALBERT was granted parole after his life sentence was commuted by the governor. When asked what he is looking forward to the most, Albert said “a home cooked meal.”
When JAMES was 28, he was sentenced to life without parole. Against the odds, he was released prison 41 years later. Now almost 70, he said "I'm not sure what life has in store for me next, but I know it's not prison."

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