Take Action

Parole Project is dedicated to providing successful second chances to each of our clients. However, everyday community members like yourself can provide tremendous support to our organization and our clients. Please consider supporting our organization, mission, and clients in any way possible.


Your monetary donation continues Parole Project’s dedicated service to each client. Please visit our donation page to contribute today or click here if you would like to make a physical donation such as clothing, household items, or furniture.

To make a financial contribution, click here to use our simple donation form.

Provide and Advocate for Second Chances

You can be an example of change by providing and advocating for opportunities for our clients.

Are you an employer or property manager? Do you know someone who is? We ask anyone who is in a position to extend opportunities to formerly incarcerated individuals to do so. Our clients are examples of redemption and should not be overlooked solely because of their worst mistakes. Learn more about how to become an advocate.

Please contact us for more information on how you can provide opportunities to our clients and how our program has helped ensure their success.


Educate Yourself and Others

Parole Project is built on data-driven, evidence-based practices. Our program has developed from scholarly research, statistical analysis, and firsthand experiences with reentry.

Louisiana’s mass incarceration issues did not happen and will not vanish overnight. It takes informed decision-making from people like you to understand the realities of incarceration.

We encourage you to learn more about Louisiana’s prison history, recent legislative acts, and key facts related to incarceration and reentry.

Share Success Stories

Our clients’ successes are the community’s successes. We are proud of our clients’ accomplishments and growth. We encourage you to share their success stories with friends, family, and other community members. Learn more about our clients by visiting our Stories page or submit your own story.

Contact Your Legislators

Your vocal support can impact public policy. Please consider calling or writing your local legislators to show that your community believes in second chances.

Visit legis.la.gov to find contact information for your legislators.


Community members such as yourself are great assets to our clients. If you are interested in volunteering to teach classes, mentorship roles, or other opportunities to work with our clients, learn more and apply today.