Parole Project opened the doors of our seventh transition house in early April. The property, acquired through a grant from the Sunshine Lady Foundation, houses women who have served long prison sentences and are in need of transitional support. The new accommodation is providing much more than just a roof over their heads.
Comfortably housing up to four people, the three-bedroom Redemption Home has 1,774 sq. ft. of living space and is the largest of Parole Project’s houses. Tucked away in a South Baton Rouge neighborhood with easy access to public transportation, stores, services, and walking and bike trails, the home will serve the unique needs of formerly incarcerated women who are rebuilding their lives.
Like all Redemption Homes, clients move in to find the rooms are completely furnished, the kitchen pantry is stocked, high speed internet has been installed, and the interior thoughtfully decorated. The most valuable part of the house, however, is nothing you will ever read about in a real estate report and it is something that formerly incarcerated women rarely experience: a support system.
Peer support is a crucial element of Parole Project’s successful intensive reintegration program and it comes in many forms—through coaching and interaction with staff members who encourage family reunification, participation in civic and faith-based organizations, and facilitating socially positive relationships between the women living in the home and the community. Clients are also provided instruction by business, education, wellness and other professionals.
Uniquely qualified to understand the specific challenges of reentering society after long-term incarceration, Redemption Home roommates are an additional source of encouragement and accountability for the residents because they share similar experiences. For clients who have little or no family or friends in the community after spending decades in prison, the support system this home provides is unmatched.
For women, the post-incarceration experience is often fraught with barriers unique to their experiences and their needs can be more challenging than their male counterparts. Employment is less likely to be full-time and there additional obstacles when it comes to securing safe, affordable, permanent housing. Formerly incarcerated women have homelessness rates that are 35 percent higher than formerly incarcerated men.
This transition home provides a bridge to the future and, through the Parole Project program, a foundation for successful reintegration. It is a place that instills a sense of security and allows clients to gain confidence, discover strengths, and develop effective coping and daily living skills. Most of all, it is a place these women can call home until the day they outgrow it and move on to live their independent lives.

Photo caption: The living room of the new women’s house is filled with cozy leather recliners and pillows. It’s a perfect place to relax with roommates while streaming movies. The picture window allows an abundance of natural afternoon light into the room.