Meet Our Newest Clients | July 2024

At 21 years old James was told he'd die in prison. More than half a century later, at 72, he walked out as a free man. He said the Big Mac he ate shortly after was exactly what he wanted for his first meal.
After 46 years in prison Donald received his second chance. Parole Project is committed to helping him rebuild his life.
After 43 years in prison Allen received his second chance. He never gave up hope that he’d have an opportunity to find redemption.
Welcome home Clarence! We look forward to helping you reach your goals and succeed.
Gerald was sentenced to life without parole in 1985. After 40 years he was given a second chance.
At 52 years old, Derek walked out of Angola after nearly three decades in prison. After he finishes our reentry program he is looking forward to moving to Texas and reuniting with his family.
Donald received his second chance after 32 years of incarceration. While at Angola he worked at the prison’s radio and television stations. Donald is hoping for an opportunity to use the college degree and skills he acquired to start a career.
Ronald was given a life sentence in 1979. After 45 years, the now 71-year-old earned his second chance.
During Dedric's 25 years in prison he pursued many outlets to sharpen his mind and enhance his skills. He earned vocational diplomas in carpentry, horticulture, and food service, and served as a hospice volunteer. Now 47, Dedric is ready to use those skills to rebuild his life.
During his 33 years in prison Erwin grew his faith and became sober. He saw what drugs had done to himself and others, then decided to use every opportunity available to build a healthier life.

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